Author Archives: admin

New Tim Crouch and a smith play

  Long-time collaborators Tim Crouch and a smith are premiering their new play: what happens to the hope at the end of the evening at the Almeida Theatre, London, opening 9 July. More information. To book, visit the Almeida website  

Tim Crouch – Sundance Fellow

At the end of 2012 Tim spent two weeks at Mass MoCA as a Sundance Theatre Fellow working on new material.

Cadavre Exquis

Tim has just returned from two weeks in Belgium devising and directing a fifteen minute segment of  Cadavre Exquis, a collaborative theatre piece based on the drawn form of the consequences game. A collaboration with three other companies: Kassys (NL), Nature Theater of Oklahoma (USA) and Nicole Beutler (DE/NL), the show will open in Kunstencentrum Vooruit in […]

Prof. Crouch

Tim is delighted to be visiting Fellow at Newcastle University. The post is connected to the Remaking Shakespeare Conference at Northern Stage on July 14th.

Crouch to direct Lear – press release

Here is the RSC press release about Tim’s forthcoming adaptation and production of King Lear, an RSC Young People’s Shakespeare show, opening in September and travelling to New York on October. The commission for this follows on the enormous success of Tim’s adaptation and production of Taming of the Shrew for the RSC. See earlier post […]