Author Archives: admin

Pan Pan International Mentorship

Tim has been invited to be the mentor on the latest Pan Pan International Mentorship scheme. Information about what the mentorship will entail, the dates involved and how to apply can be found here.

Tim talks about Adler & Gibb

‘I promise it will be finished by the time an audience is sitting in the theatre…’ Tim is introduced by Vicky Featherstone at 5:08, but watch the full 12 minutes, as it’s all about the new 2014 Royal Court season.

New Tim Crouch play for Royal Court Theatre

Tim’s new play Adler & Gibb will be premiering at the Royal Court Jerwood Theatre Downstairs on 19 June 2014. Previews start on 14 June. A co-commission with Center Theatre Group, Los Angeles, it will be directed by Tim, with A Smith and Karl James. The designer is Lizzie Clachan. Book here. More about the show.

New Tim Crouch and a smith play

  Long-time collaborators Tim Crouch and a smith are premiering their new play: what happens to the hope at the end of the evening at the Almeida Theatre, London, opening 9 July. More information. To book, visit the Almeida website  

Tim Crouch – Sundance Fellow

At the end of 2012 Tim spent two weeks at Mass MoCA as a Sundance Theatre Fellow working on new material.