Author Archives: admin

Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation

Tim’s latest play opens in Edinburgh on August 7th. It’s an illustrated play – presented through live action and illustrated text. Working with Tim’s publishers, Oberon Books a book has been created that will be used in performance by both actors and audience. It’s a co-commision by the National Theatre of Scotland and the Royal […]

I, Cinna (the poet)

Tim’s RSC commission from 2012 is coming to the Unicorn Theatre in February 2020. A new production of a play for ages 11 – 14 about words, poetry and political engagement. Tim will be performing in it and it’s directed by Naomi Wirthner, artistic director of the Barebones Project. Designed by Lily Arnold Lights and […]

Don’t Forget the Driver

Tim’s series for BBC2 happened in April and May.  Created by Tim and co-written by Tim and the actor Toby Jones, Don’t Forget the Driver received a really strong critical and audience reaction – from nearly everyone. …a fine, fine piece of work Lucy Mangan • The Guardian …let’s hope BAFTA don’t forget the driver Chris […]

Beginners wins Writers’ Guild of Great Britain award

Tim’s play, Beginners, was awarded Best Play for Young Audiences. He received his award from the playwright Roy Williams (pictured, left).


Tim returns to Dublin in February to work with Kate Heffernan on her play Peat. Tim and Kate met in 2014/15 during the Pan Pan mentorship. Peat is a beautiful theatrical excavation for audiences aged 8+