Category Archives: An Oak Tree

An Oak Tree, London 2015: Reviews

An Oak Tree has enjoyed an amazing run at the National Theatre Temporary Space. Feedback from critics, audiences and second actors has been overwhelming. Here are some of the press and blog reviews: Caryl Churchill described Tim Crouch’s two-hander as “a play about theatre, a magic trick, a laugh and a vivid experience of grief, […]

An Oak Tree 2015 – more chances to see!

At the time of writing, An Oak Tree is coming to the end of a triumphant, near to capacity run at the Temporary Space at the National Theatre. But there are a few more chances to catch this tenth anniversary production: It’s at The Traverse Theatre for a limited run at the Edinburgh Fringe from 9 […]

An Oak Tree 10th Anniversary Production at the National Theatre

An Oak Tree opened ten years ago. To celebrate, there’s a run at the National Theatre in London from 23 June – 11 July. For more details, and to book, see here.

Tim Crouch in Context Event

Thursday 25 June, 2-5pm £20 (£15 concessions) With An Oak Tree playing at the National Theatre, this seminar is a great opportunity to explore Tim’s work. This session gives an insight into his work past and present, his interest in form, narrative content, audience engagement and his working methods. Chaired by Dan Rebellato (Head of Drama and […]

Tim Crouch National Theatre Platform Event

On Thursday 2 July at 4:30pm, Tim Crouch will be at The National Theatre talking to Emily McLaughlin about An Oak Tree. This Platform is free but you’ll need to book. It will last approximately 45 minutes.